Amy sedaris holiday gift guide 2008

Dear [your name here],

Whether you live in a basement with the income of a ten-year-old girl or on a saffron farm in the south of Spain, the spirit of hospitality is the same. It's the giving of yourself, a present of you to them from me for us....I go bananas for entertaining! Sometimes though, I feel entertaining is a dying art. My goal is to encourage you, [your name here], to entertain in your home, your style. Having a party is one of the most creative and generous activities that every person can enjoy and indulge in, if you're on the list. Remember, by inviting someone into your home, you're saying "I like you".

Amy Sedaris (excerpt from "I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence")


domestic goddess amy sedaris is a true WHORANGE hero.  perhaps it's her love of rabbits and plastic food, or maybe it's her ability to tumble in a mermaid green, sequined leotard with stephen colbert. 

Amy sedaris i like you book
(images from "i like you" by amy serdaris.)

one day, i hope to be invited to amy's home for supper.  i'll come bearing gifts, the way my mama taught me to.  and, should i receive said invitation tomorrow, i have a fine selection of wares to choose from, because miss amy is the inspiration for today's $100 or less WHORANGE holiday gift guide:

Amy sedaris holiday gifts 2008_3

{above:  1. dorothy apron (39.95); 2. kitchen gloves (22.00); 3. weapon charm necklace (74.00); 4. dumpling dynasty baking kit (16.00); 5. uppers container (95.00), prozac container (80.00), dolls container (28.00); 6. inflatable fruitcake (6.95); 7. music for tv dinners (14.98); 8. picnica bunny reusable tote (55.00);  9. flat pets rabbit (15.25); 10. electronic toys: retrospective of 70'S easy listening cd (30.19); 11. roller stop doorstop (95.00); 12. barfly chip and dip set (45.00); 13. kiss and tell teacup duo (55.00); 14. plastic frosted donut (12.99), strawberry cupcake with sprinkles (9.99)}