
yesterday, i came across a set of phallic salt and pepper shakers on apartment therapy and got a craving for more, so i clicked on over to the shaker's savory shoppe source -- coco de mer.

now keep in mind, i used to live next door to a sex shoppe in san francisco, and those ladies knew how to show off their goods, but coco de mer's wares are elegantly displayed like pieces of art.  in addition, the shoppe's philosophy is environmentally and socially conscious -- investing in the work of local artisans, cottage industries, and international fair trade projects.

erotic, eco-friendly, and ethical?  sexy never felt sexier.

Coco de mer Paul Seville feather tickler

{above left:  paul seville feather tickler;  above right:  silver legs cufflinks.}

Stone Love vaginal Egg Set Pearl Massage Ring

{above left:  stone love egg set;  above right:  7 pearl massage ring.}

Outlandish creations penis salt and pepper shakers

{above left:  feather tickler;  above right:  outlandish creations salt & pepper shakers.}

Seven Deadly Sins Plate Set

{above left:  secret book box;  above right: seven deadly sins plate set.}

Coco de mer edible anus chocolates

{above:  take a guess what these are.  close...but no cigar.  click here to find out!}