questions, queries, or dilemmas? drop me a line at [email protected]. if you begin your email with "dear WHORANGE, your hair looks fantastic today," you may receive a speedier reply.
questions, queries, or dilemmas? drop me a line at [email protected]. if you begin your email with "dear WHORANGE, your hair looks fantastic today," you may receive a speedier reply.
although it's casual sex friday, let's not to forget the romance, kittens.
the lovely jessica marquez of miniature rhino embroiders custom constellations and/or lovebird matches of your choosing. from ursa major to to hunky orion, these precious pieces will assuredly keep you programed in someone's cell phone for years months to come.
what a perfect way to say "i love you"...or "i'm stalking you."
{via sub-studio.}
today's pillow fight is brought to you by the fabulous decaf plush. perfect for couches, kitties, pajama parties, and love-ins.
(by the way, own four of these purty pillows. i think i need that snail, though!)
before ipods, CDs, cassette tapes, and strutted fabulously fashionable outerwear.
browse the craveable collection at record envelope.
{via the can & string.}
oh dear me. WHORANGE is under the influence of a sporadic intertubes connection today. my hot rollers won't heat up and that simply will not do.
please pour yourself a cold beverage and enjoy the archives. first person to find the charo portrait earns a whorange star!
see you tomorrow, kittens. miss you already.
if i had these 1950s czechoslovakian matchboxes growing up, i would have avoided many red-striped sweater vest related accidents.
{via the always bad ass bad banana blog.}
i'm recovering from a bout of food poisoning. therefore, i thought it appropriate to whorange over some tasty looking meals in an attempt to get back in the swing of things.
not to mention...everything tastes better when served with a side of peas.
{david sykes: photographer. genius.}