from yves saint laurent to christian louboutin to hello kitty, piet mondrian's gorgeous grids continue to inspire from whorange to toe.
{above left to right from top: yves st. laurent mondrian dress; PO mondri vase; mondrian hello kitty by plasticgod; naef modulon puzzle toy; vintage sunbeam mondrian clock; blue bottle coffee bar cake; christian louboutin mondrian wedge; mondrian box; mondrian wash basin; tissue box cover; yves st. laurent mondrian dress patterns.}
{many items via if it's hip, it's here. top blythe doll image via tu sabes blythe.}
Generally, I could care less about Louboutins (I know, I know, blasphemy), but those wedges are spectacular.
Posted by: Sally | November 30, 2009 at 05:50 AM
I want those vintage patterns! So cool!
Posted by: Holly | November 30, 2009 at 08:55 AM
Mmm. I want a bite of that cake! And at eight bucks, I think it's probably the cheapest thing on the list. Yay me!
Posted by: Lady Peacock | November 30, 2009 at 09:09 AM
Hi Sally, I'm actually opposed to Louboutins as well because they cost about 5 million dollars, but they are pretty to look at. And when it comes down to it, looking is a huge part of whoranging.
Lady Peacock, next time we're in SF together, 8.00 cake is on me!
Posted by: tula | November 30, 2009 at 09:25 AM
ummm, mondrian cake!
Posted by: Lily | November 30, 2009 at 11:06 AM
I love these patterns, so funky!
Posted by: sarah | April 07, 2011 at 09:36 AM