22 posts categorized "April 2010"
"i like food, food tastes good" indie rock cookbook


from death cab for cutie's veggie sausage to franz ferdinand's lemon ginger flapjacks, i Like Food, Food Tastes Good:  In the Kitchen with Your Favorite Bands features 105 recipes and stories by an array of munching musicians.

take note, groupies.

have a delicious weekend, darlings!


eyeing margaret keane at phyllis morris gallery in los angeles


yesterday, i laced up my skates and rolled on down to the phyllis morris showroom in west hollywood to catch a rare exhibition of paintings by the iconic, '60s artist margaret keane.

from teary waifs to sad pets, keane's signature doe-eyed subjects have always held a special place in my whoranging heart.  therefore, seeing a collection of both vintage and contemporary keane paintings gracing the walls of phyllis morris' delectable, hollywood regency showroom was pretty much the perfect storm of pleasure.



to top it off, the fine folks at phyllis morris were lovely as can be.  they told the story of morris's and keane's longterm friendship and were thrilled to exhibit some of keane's recent works along with some never-before-seen-keanes from morris' private collection.



i even had the honor of slipping into the showroom's display window (below) with marketing director, greg firlotte, to get a closer glimpse of two stunning paintings along with the graphic keane-inspired bedding, which was designed by firlotte.



infamously reclusive, keane (who currently lives in napa county) rarely exhibits or makes public appearances.  in fact, keane's last appearance in los angeles was in 1968.

therefore, it's not surprising that last week's gala opening, in which margaret keane was the guest of honor, brought out over 400 fans and collectors.  some flew out from new york, florida, and even napa to witness keane's rare exhibition and to meet the introverted artist in person. 



a handful of paintings will be on display at phyllis morris for the next few months, but if you want to catch the show in its entirety, the exhibition ends TODAY.  so, get moving, kittens.

oh...and did i mention the showroom boasts a 9' x 10' bed?  completely not keane related, but it's quite the sight (and fantasy) to behold.


WHAT:  margaret keane exhibition

WHERE:  phyllis morris showroom
655 N. Robertson Blvd.
West Hollywood, CA
(310) 289-6868

WHEN:  today

BONUS:  9' x 10' bed

{special thanks to sandi vincent for alerting me to this exhibition.  thanks, sandi!}

{all photography by tula jeng.  all images copyright margaret keane, courtesy of the keane eyes gallery, san francisco.}

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