Barack Obama dollar bill Dowling Duncan redesign the US bank notes

Modern Dowling Duncan redesign the US bank notes

FDR 100 dollar bill Dowling Duncan redesign the US bank notes

Barack Obama dollar bill Dowling Duncan redesigned US bank notes

in 2010, dowling duncan submitted this set of multi-colored, newly-imagined US bank notes to the dollar redesign project. perhaps a dose of poppy, fresh, and informative graphics is just what our economy needs. a visual stimulus!

here is the inspiration behind duncan's bucks:

$1 – barack obama - the first african american president
$5 – the five biggest native american tribes
$10 – the bill of rights, the first 10 amendments to the US constitution
$20 – 20th century america
$50 – the 50 states of america
$100 – the first 100 days of president franklin roosevelt. during this time he led the congress to pass more important legislation than most presidents pass in their entire term. this helped fight the economic crises at the time of the great depression. ever since, every new president has been judged on how well they have done during the first 100 days of their term.

duncan gets my vote!

{via designboom.}