These are fists of protest. Two weeks ago, I stood in front of this powerful art by Annette Lemieux and thought about all who had marched before us to fight for civil rights, women's rights, and gay rights. I thought about how proud I was that our country was on the brink of electing our first woman President. I believed that collectively, we were going to reject a candidate who sold bigotry, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, fear, conspiracy, and toxic masculinity as his platform. I thought we were going to honor those who came before us and nurture our future generations.
I was wrong. I went to bed crying and woke up scared. As a woman of color, how do I move forward with hope and strength when so many people in this country don't care if I am objectified, profiled, or sexually assaulted? How do I lead with love when the rights of marginalized and underserved people are threatened and the three branches of government don't have our backs?
There is so much more I want to say, but I am numb and at a loss for words. I want to take action. I do. But, I cannot today. Today I'm hugging my loved ones tightly. Tomorrow I will raise my fist in protest.
We will organize and stand strong. As @sallykohn says, "Love will still trump hate. It may just take longer than we expected." This fight has only begun. Expect us.
{art: "Left Right Left Right" by Annette Lemieux at the Whitney Museum.}
I voted for her because she supports a woman's right to choose, marriage equality, gun control, immigrants' rights, a $15 minimum wage, paid family leave, special needs children, #blacklivesmatter, criminal justice reform, and transgender rights. I voted for her because she believes in science. I voted for her because she stood up to the human embodiment of bigotry and misogyny and inspired a nation to say "No!" to hate. I voted for her because she studies, practices, and prepares.
I voted for her because she has the Obamas, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Bernie, and Rep. John Lewis on speed dial.
I voted for her because I want to break the glass ceiling.
And, finally, I voted for her because she makes pantsuits really cool.
I just voted for the first woman President and I couldn't be more thrilled. What a time to be alive.
Have you called your friends, family, BFFs, frenemies, pussy posse, swing-staters, nasty women, Bernie Bros, girl bosses, bad hombres, woke uncles, cool dads, badass moms, card-carrying millennials, and bully-tamers and reminded them to get to the polls and VOTE? The future is in our hands, my friends! To quote the great Senator Elizabeth Warren: "Don't screw this up."
Anyone else freaking out about this cray election? When I get panicked over the thought of "He Who Must Not Be Named" running our country, I do what my activist mama taught me and I get to work. Therefore, I'm dedicating this weekend to #GOTV.
As President Obama always says, "Don't boo. VOTE!" The opposition can't hear you boo, but they can hear you vote. In the same spirit, I say, "Don't cry. CALL!" Calling democrats in swing states and encouraging them to vote is not as scary as it sounds. You can do it from the comfort of your sofa or make it a phone banking party with friends! Sign up on and see how easy it is to dial-a-Dem!
When calling, voting-themed attire and power pantsuits are optional, but highly encouraged.