above: 1."still life from the series now is forever" by john murphy (150.00); 2. wise ol' cookie jar (128.00); 3. thomas paul file folder set (11.00); 4. acmestudio collage wrist watch (142.00); 5. acmestudio negro e fluro wrist watch (75.00); 6. notneutral triton laquer tray (130.00); 7. sprig & berry earrings (44.00); 8. jonathan adler anger pillow (165.00); 9. jonathan adler joy pillow (165.00); 10. orange gerber ring (178.00); 11. YSL moonlight slingbacks (396.00); 12. karim rashid, symbolic bowl (1060.00).
sandi's portland, oregon, 60s ranch home gloriously beams with shades of whorange. for this, i am most grateful...and most jealous.
her craveable, mid-century digs are featured in apartment therapy's fall colors 2008 contest. voting begins october 20th. needless to say, miss sandi's got my vote.
(via the fabulous jenn ski.)
at new york fashion week, anna sui served up a whorange-infused, craveable, top-shelf cocktail of a runway show. anna's south american inspired, ready-to-wear collection for spring '09 wants to be on my body so badly, it hurts. sometimes it's difficult being a fashion muse. it really is.
okay, kittens, listen up. pantone just released their fashion color report for spring 2009.
these are the colors of the future. commit them to memory. paint your home, adjust your wardrobe, and purchase your panty shades appropriately. act quickly to impress your friends and neighbors.
also, a special note to the trendspotters at pantone: i'd like to propose the following palette for fall 2009. the colors flatter most complexions and are perfect for office-to-evening wear, international travel, signature cocktails, throw pillows, and leotards.
inspired by celebrity skintones.
clockwise from top left: orange round vase/creamer (26.00); dutch liquor decanter houses (110.00); orange stripey cream and sugar set (36.00); technicolor enamel pot (88.00); 32 oz. milk bottle carafe (32.00); handmade felted acorn container (36.00); tangerine fabric journal by henry road (24.00); orange with white trim creamer/vase (28.00); service station signage (42.00); sour cream widemouth jar (42.00).
clockwise from top left: occhio attento's dog on chair; modern fred's mid-century mod; ella since oxix's panton chair; peminumkopi's orange chair; anonymous; modern fred's 60s pop art funiture.
i was introduced to the concept of fashion in the sixth grade. my friend's mother -- a personal shopper at nordstrom -- held a color wheel to my face and diagnosed me as a "spring palette." to an aspiring goth, this was not a good thing. to this day, i've maintained an undying devotion for the seasons of winter and fall, and therefore, black & whorange.
clockwise from top left: sundae bra and brief by rosy; rob ryan's paper cuts (via craftzine); circuit, hollywood grape, and flower of love wallpaper designs by walnut wallpaper; orange aviary mini purse by lulaballo; anthropologie's fiery dew dress and orange gerber ring; notneutral's triton laquer tray set; urban outfitter's lomography fisheye camera.