a few weeks ago, i grabbed my iPhone and canon DSLR and boogied downtown to cross a lingering item off of my to-do list: "learn how to shoot and edit video."
sure, i've fooled around with iMovie, but the most i ever did was set music to a 10-second video of a baby otter. needless to say, formal training was in order.
the first day of class was held at the land of all things awesome -- poketo. the instructors were the lovely and creative bri of blogshop and her talented (and patient) videographer boyfriend, arian of modshift. we learned how to pan, zoom and track (and more) using handheld camera techniques and a lot of "what would wes anderson do?" thought processes.
we shot everything from facial expressions to sidewalk splatters, keeping in mind we would assemble our digital madness into an award-winning edited video the following day.
the next day was a photoshop wonderland of video editing.
yes, the latest version of photoshop CS6 has video editing capabilities! being the photoshop groupie that i am, i knew this would be right up my alley.
bri and angela skillfully guided us through the steps and tricks to lay out video tracks, add music, use overlays, add fades, and use good ol' photoshop adjustment layers, masks, and effects. they even used videos they had created as examples and provided us with extremely helpful exercise files.
and of course, there was a fabulous photo booth. behold, our glorious instructors!
and last, but not least, MY FIRST VIDEO!
cobbled together using the footage shot during our workshop at poketo, it's pretty silly, but was very fun to make. oh, and blogshop is holding a little contest, so if my video gets picked, i score a shiny new copy of CS6! i am currently on a trial version that expires in 12 days, so wish me luck.
finally, a big thank you to video blogshop, all of the other students, and poketo. new skills, new friends, and new inspiration -- who could ask for anything more?
photography by whorange.